Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Omni Resorts – Shorehouse
6:00 – 10:00PM
DJ Tom Sorrells
50/50 Raffle
$50 includes Dinner and $30* Membership Renewal
($55 Guests for Dinner Only
*Your $30 HHICSC Membership saved you $58.50 on Parties in 2018/2019(1
Dinner Buffet Served at 7:00 PM
Garden Salad Station
(With accompaniments and Choice of Dressings)
Pulled Pork Barbeque Grilled Breast of Chicken
Baked Beans Cornbread
Chef’s Choice of Dessert
Coffee Tea Herbal Teas Water
There are two ways to register:
- Click on the button in the upper right corner to print out party flier and mail to address listed.
- Complete the form below to register online ($2 service fee added). Remember that your registration is not complete until you click SUBMIT.