By-Laws Change

Periodically, a review of the By-laws is made to ensure that existing rules and regulations
align with the Club’s current operations and legal requirements. In conducting such a
review, outdated information or inconsistencies have been identified.

The Board has done a great job of proposing changes to the By-Laws and we need to thank them for their hard work. The last update to the ByLaws was in 2017 and it was time for a review and update. Now it is time for our members to review the changes and approve them or provide comments as appropriate.

We will vote on these changes at 6pm Oct 4th at our regular Friday dance.

There were a number of changes proposed. The changes are detailed in a document “List of Changes” below. The new ByLaws with changes highlighted in red can be found under “Proposed New Bylaws” and a link to the old Bylaws from 2017 is shown below.

Members should acquaint themselves with the changes before the vote.